Voquent Profile Badges - Explained!

Michael Nagy Author

Michael Nagy

2 min read
Voquent Profile Badges - Explained!

Your profile on Voquent contains a wealth of information to help prospective clients find voice talent suitable for their voice over needs. Though the client usually begins their search by filtering through the myriad demos available to them, the client will end up with a shortlist of prospective talent, and this is when the client will look at the individual profiles of voice over artists.

One of the potential differentiators presented to clients on your Voquent profile page is a series of badges. Though having badges is by no means a necessity, it does indicate to prospective clients that you have a degree of versatility and range in your offerings. Most badges indicate that you have a required number of demos that meet certain characteristics, such as intended use, or vocal characteristics.

Home Studio

Home studio
Home studio badge

During the profile creation process, the voice artist has declared that they have a home studio in which they can perform and record their voice overs.

Home Studio - Verified

Home studio
Verified home studio badge

In addition to self-declaring that they have a home studio, the voice artist has undergone a verification process with the help of a Voquent engineer, to verify that they not only have a home studio, but that it meets Voquent’s standards for sound treatment, noise floor, and audio file submission.


Business badge
Business badge

This badge is displayed when the voice talent has active demo samples performed in at least four of the six tones best suited for the business market:


Character badge
Character badge

This badge is displayed when the voice talent has four or more active ‘Character Style’ demo samples where each has been performed in a different tone.


Comedy badge
Comedy badge

The Comedic symbol or badge indicates the voice actor has three or more active ‘Comedic Style’ demo samples.


Versatile badge
Versatile badge

The Versatility symbol indicates the voice talent has active demo samples performed in seven distinct tones from the full range available:


Multi-lingual badge
Multi-lingual badge

The Multi-lingual badge indicates the voice talent has active demo samples spoken in two or more different languages. Note: Variations of accent and dialect do not count as an additional language.


Melodic badge
Melodic badge

The Melodic badge indicates the voice talent has at least one active ‘Singing Style’ demo.


Applauded badge
Applauded badge

The Applauded badge indicates that the voice talent is respected by their peers, and has ten or more samples that have been “applauded” by peers (other talents).